Opportunities & choices
My friend Yillie, who's both spiritual and a real psychic (interesting that these two qualities don't always come together in the same package), told me at the end of last year, when I felt like I have exhausted my options in finding works in the field I was pursuing, that there'll be opportunities coming to me in March 2007, and I'll be facing the dilemma of choosing between them.
Boy~ was she right. In the middle of March, I had to choose between staying in Auckland and joining a cafe business with my friend, or to go to India and work on the visual effects for a movie, and I only had 1 week in total before I had to make the decision.
It was a tough one, every mental & emotional muscle of mine were fired up, causing waves and waves of unsettling sensations in my body for over a week. Facing two totally different options with no "right" solution, I swung back and forth between my decisions.
Then something strange happened, on the last day, at around 2am in the morning, I reached a state of clarity, my mind was quiet, my emotions were silenced, I felt calm and peaceful, and I heard my inner voice repeating a message clearly: "Go to India".
It wasn't based on some logical reasoning, like "I should go because of...etc etc", instead it was a clear sense of knowing, that puts all my thoughts to rest.
So that's it, I'm leaving for Hyderabad, India, on Saturday 7th of April, staying for an initial contract period of 2 months, and then decide whether I'll stay longer or not.