Sunday, 18 February 2007

Random thoughts

A question is like a mirror, the answer you give reflects who you are and your perception of the truth.

Lately my mind had tuned back into the soul searching/truth finding mode. I've learnt that changing the modes of my mind is not something I can control entirelly, it's far easier to let go and just allow it to shift gears naturally.

Life as it is has become more peaceful and enjoyable than it had ever been, even during the past two stressful weeks, it was a lot easier for me to find peace during the breaks.

When I was troubled, I ask myself, what advice would I give if someone come up to me with the same problem? The answers were always fulled of peace and wisdom, that they calmed me down.

Taming the ego, healing old wounds, and allowing inner wisdoms to shine through. So these are what I signed up for for this life eh?


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