Thursday, 5 July 2007

Travellig in India

So just like that, a week ago I was still working like a slave in Hyderabad, now I'm hundreds of kilometers away in Rishikesh.
I have to say that if I've never done all those solo travels before (in Europe & NZ...etc), I'd be in a huge trouble. Even with those experiences under my belt, I still find travelling alone by public transports in India to be REALLY TOUGH~

I took a plane from Hyderabad to Delhi at 5:40am yesterday (4th July), then from Delhi took an 8 hour bus ride to Haridwar, and a bus ride from Haridwar to Rishikesh.

Without the friendly helps from the locals I would possibly be stucked in Haridwar yesterday. (at almost 8pm) There were no English signs anywhere on the buses or in the bus station. The chaotic station had no counters, no arrival and departure info. When the bus arrived, I had to do what everyone else does, push myself into the crowds to get inside before the bus leaves.

I'm considering to get a motor bike, and when I meet up with Marcus & Kiki next month(maybe), I'll start travelling by bike. But I'll have to wait and see how things happen, because as usual, the plan is that there's no plan.


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