Tuesday, 28 August 2007

bomb blasts

There's another bomb blast in Hyderabad, it happened 3 days ago, while I was hundreds of kilometers away in Srinagar. This time two bombs exploded, in a restaurant and a park, and it was more serious than the first time this year, more than 40 people were killed. I called my friends, and found out that like the last time, they were hardly affected. The city is big, so that what happened in one area hardly affects the other.

Last time it happened on May 19th, I remember it clearly because I was on sick leave that day. In the early afternoon I received a phone call from Marcus, telling me that a mosque (Mecca Masjid) was bombed and there's a curfew on the street, so everyone in the studio had to go home early. We ended up spending the afternoon watching movies at Marcus & Kiki's flat.

Some people may be wondering whether it is safe to travel in India, honestly I really feel safe here. I mean when I walk around the streets here at night, I feel safer than walking in big cities of Europe, or even safer than walking pass the drunken guys yelling loudly on Queen street. It's just a unfortunate fact that terrorism is affecting this country, and I don't know why Hyderabad had become a major target this year.


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