Saturday, 11 August 2007

Dalai Lama in Leh

The Dalai Lama is in Leh now, he arrived at around 10:30am this morning.
This time he's visiting Soma Gompa (monastry), which is just outside the internet place, so I witnessed the event.

As usual the street is fulled of people, about 1/4 to 1/3 are tourists (mind you Leh is fulled of tourists), and there're lots of Indian soldiers & polices on the street, fully armed.
Many Ladakhis are wearing their traditional custumes, holding scarfs, flowers...etc in their hands, and there are banners on the street buildings, saying "welcome".

After waiting for about half an hour, several vehicles passed through the street in front of the gompa, fulled of soldiers/polices, some soldiers jumped out with rifles in their hands, and soon after, the Dalai Lama's vehicle arrived.

He walked out of the car, palms together in front of his chest, making a Buddhist gesture to the crowds, and was quickly lead into the gompa by his entourage.

I took several photos and managed to capture his face in one of them.
But I won't be able to upload any more photos until I left Leh and go back to some place with cheaper internet.


Crypticity 12/8/07 09:42  

Well done. I look forward to your photos. The DL came to NZ about a month ago but I didn't see him while he was here.

lightspirits 12/8/07 16:58  

Actually I checked again and found that I got more than one photos with him in it, but the photos look a bit like "where's Waldo", except Waldo is replaced by the Dalai Lama ^^
I guess it'll be a fun activity once the photos are up~

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