Thursday, 26 March 2009

Bits and pieces

A dozen of my blog posts stayed in draft mode and never got published. Most of them are from 2008, which was unsurprisingly the year with the lowest number of entries.

March 2008, I exclaimed "what a ride!" in regard to everything that had happened.
"I am sitting in a small lifeboat, floating in the middle of a vast ocean called reality. Being thrown and pushed around by the raging waves and currents, what can I do other than to hold on tightly?"

April, an entry titled "miracle" never got finished.

May, another unfinished entry titled "Too much to write, too little time".
"Sometimes I feel like time is running forward madly like a wild stallion. I have one of my legs stuck in the stirrup, so it dragged me through a rough terrain while I, to no avail, tried to grab on to something in an attempt to slow it down."

June, a post titled "beauty".
"Contacts with beauty always send emotional shockwaves through my body, shake me to the core of my being."

July, "Riding motorbike in Nepal"

August, "The long hiatus", in regard to my blogging efforts.


Crypticity 17/4/09 09:56  

Yes, the "drafts" can be interesting little snapshots. My unfinished blogs tend to be philosophical tracts that died or became irrelevant before I finished them. There was a nice controversial one on Israel and Palestine but then there was a ceasefire...

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