Things About Edwin
1. Steve Irwin and Richard Branson are my favourite celebrities.
2. Most of my favourite songs were sung by female singers.
3. My favourite comedian is Jon Stewart, now you know my political inclinations.
4. Things I learnt from travelling: it can take you to places that evoke surreal and wonderful feelings beyond description.
5. I weighted a mere 44kg by the end of my journey in India. If someone sneezes next to me I would be blown into the air like a feather. However my luggage was so heavy that the gravitational force it exerted would then pull me back down and go into orbit.
6. I have a love affair with the ocean, but I'd cheat on her and have affairs with rivers and lakes whenever I can. I plan to convince them to have a menage a trois when they meet one day.
7. I still believe in magic and miracles, and I'm still fulled of ideology and dreams. These things are so essential to me that taking them away would be like cutting the oxygen supply to an astronaut.
8. I still dream about my childhood pet, the cutest Sheltie in the world.
9. I have a very high tolerance for spicy food, I was trained by certified mystic chilly gurus in secret locations in Asia.
10. I once stayed overnight in a hospital during my trip in Spain, where everyone's English was as good/bad as my Spanish. P.S. No hablo mucho Espanol.
11. I once attended a 2-week German-run marble sculpture course in Italy, where I was the only non-German speaker. You should see the instructor's face when he found out that he had to teach in English.
I could almost hear him thinking: "why you weirdo...why would you come to a course run by Germans in Italy?"
But we ended up having a great time, the instructor would do his best to get me to drink all kinds of alcohol: Limoncello, Grappa, Sambuca, Campari..."Eddie, come here, drink this!"
12. I find that experiencing a beautiful scenery is a whole body affair, my eyes can get watery and I can often feel the chill travel through my spine.
13. I was crazy about Swiss knives when I was a kid, and I suppose I never fully grew up in that respect.
14. When I was 6, I was once reported missing to the police.
In reality, it wasn't me who was missing, it was my dad. He was waaaayyyy too late to pick me up after school(it seemed like hours), so I walked home instead.
I don't remember how long it took (the distance was about 5km), but apparently long enough for my parents to file a missing child report to the police.
15. Beautiful art works affect me emotionally in ways that are hard to describe, but I don't care much for modern art.
16. I think a playful & slightly mischievous spirit in a girl is extremely attractive.
17. A bungy jump used to be something terrifying and off-limits for me, but now I've done it and I'd like to try skydiving next. Getting over a fear and/or a preconceived limiting belief always give me a great sense of achievement.
18. I obsessed about doing things differently from everyone else when I was a kid. Once I had to write a fairy tale in a writing class, I wrote that once upon a time there was a little sheep, who's father passed away 3 years before he was born. The teacher commented "this could not happen" and I couldn't understand why.
19. A spider once built a web between my thumb and index finger during my sleep. Fortunately it was one of those skinny long-legged spiders which didn't look so menacing.
20. I was super competitive as a kid. For a brief period of my life, I indulged in mercilessly crushing my opponents in chess. Until some time later, I helplessly watched atrocious war crimes being committed to my mini soldiers, that's when I started thinking about karma...
21. I often visualize stories while I fall asleep.
22. I like the feeling of being intrigued, and I want to travel to almost every country in the world.
23. when I rode a motorbike for the first time in the messy Kathmandu traffic, my feelings were so intense and I was so occupied with surviving the journey that I had no time to stop, think and be afraid. However I did have time to curse at my friend on the leading bike whenever he started to zig-zag through tiny gaps between cars, trucks & buses. What else can you do other than to follow-on?
24. My favourite quote at the moment: "something is not interesting unless it's inappropriate".
25. I used to think that achievement is everything, until life taught me that finding joy in everything is...everything. Surprise surprise.
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