Sunday, 22 July 2007

Life = never ending adventures

Four years ago, I dropped everything in NZ and travelled to Europe for almost 6 months.
After I got back, I thought "ok I've got the biggest adventure in my life over and done with, now it's time to come back to the real life, have a career & create a lifestyle that I want."

Little did I know, the adventure is far from over. Four years on, the current of life take me to places that I would not have imagined before.

All it takes, is for me to let go of my worries, doubts, and dive into the flow. It feels good to be alive, even though it scares me from time to time.

Ever since I came to India, I feel like a handicap because I don't know how to ride a motorbike. Everyone agrees that riding a motorbike is the best way to travel in India, it gives you the freedom to go wherever you want & stop whenever you like. And almost every Indian guys I've met knows how to drive it.

Sure I've been riding bicycles since I was a kid, and I have ridden a scooter in Tuscany (fully automatic), but a motorbike is slightly more complicated than that.

Today I have finally broke my personal record. I rented a motorbike this morning (Yammaha RX100 for Rs. 350), and threw myself into the deep end. Before this, the only times I've driven a motorbike were the four 10-minute tutorial & practices given by Marcus back in Hyderabad, so when I first started, I could not get the bike moving properly and the engine always dies. But after awhile, with some instruction from the guy who rented it to me, I started driving on the main road.

Unfortunately my first experience only lasted for about 15 minutes. I came to a bridge and it was sealed off (looks like it was damaged), so all the vehicles have to drive through a very bumpy & rocky detour. I drove behind a car, and when it suddenly stopped, I hit the breaks and just like that my engine died. I was in the middle of the road and I couldn't start it again! Well...long story short, 2 guys helped me to push the bike back onto the normal road, a local stopped by because his bike had a punctured tyre, he helped me to restart the engine, and he drove my bike with me on the back to a bike repair shop to get help for his bike, and I drove the bike back to the guy who rented it to me, who took the bike & repaired whatever the problem was.

2 hours later, after lunch, I was on the road again, but heading for the opposite direction towards Naggar, a village about 21kms away from Manali. This time everything went smoothly.

Man~ driving in India, it is fun & scary at the same time!
Let's many things have I drove pass (or overtook me)? Trucks, jeeps, buses, cars, other bikes, auto-rickshaws, tractors, people, sheep, dogs, cows, donkeys, horses, an elephant....yes, a real live elephant, with a guy riding on top of course.

My ultimate goal, is to be able to ride to the highest & 2nd highest motorable roads in the world (which happened to be both in this region of the Himalayas), in Nubra valley & from Manali to Leh. But at the moment I really couldn't make the decision, to do that I'll need really solid experiences in handling the bikes, the roads are not easy at all~

Anyway as the saying goes, let's wait and see.


Friday, 20 July 2007


I've been studying Reiki here in Vashisht for about a week now. It's a really cool experience.
In the past the only way for me to experience/witness the "energy" is by having "visions" coming into my mind or having intuitive hunches, but now I can feel strong energy movements in my body.

When I worked on people from the course, I can sense the heat & electrical sensations in my palm while I move them around the other person's chakras, and often I see different energy colors on different areas. It's interesting that after the session I got feedbacks from the other person that matched what I've sensed during the session.

It's cool.


Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Journal entry from Manali

Life is amazing.
It presents you with all kinds of opportunities, if you're open to them, one opportunity will lead to another, and they'll take you through many amazing experiences.

I'm so glad I decided to accept the invitation to come to India. To be honest I had a lot of doubts before. Why would I want to go to an over-populated country, getting paid 1/4 of the standard NZ salary, living with the city traffic, pollution, noise, crowd, and worse living conditions?

The answer, is that these experiences enriched my life. I'm very happy to see the changes in me. I've become more open and more relaxed. I stopped worrying about job, career, and money, and I have a lot more acceptance to everything happening around me.

Best of all, the friendship I have here, and the chance to experience India, is priceless.

I'm now in Vashist, Manali. It's such a nice and comfortable place, and for Rs. 350 (NZD $11.7) per night, I have a million-dollar mountain view (the beginning of the great Himalaya range) in the hotel. Ok it is kind of a high price for my accomodation budget (usually it's around Rs 100~150),'s time to give myself a bit of a treat.

Life is good.


Thursday, 5 July 2007

Travellig in India

So just like that, a week ago I was still working like a slave in Hyderabad, now I'm hundreds of kilometers away in Rishikesh.
I have to say that if I've never done all those solo travels before (in Europe & NZ...etc), I'd be in a huge trouble. Even with those experiences under my belt, I still find travelling alone by public transports in India to be REALLY TOUGH~

I took a plane from Hyderabad to Delhi at 5:40am yesterday (4th July), then from Delhi took an 8 hour bus ride to Haridwar, and a bus ride from Haridwar to Rishikesh.

Without the friendly helps from the locals I would possibly be stucked in Haridwar yesterday. (at almost 8pm) There were no English signs anywhere on the buses or in the bus station. The chaotic station had no counters, no arrival and departure info. When the bus arrived, I had to do what everyone else does, push myself into the crowds to get inside before the bus leaves.

I'm considering to get a motor bike, and when I meet up with Marcus & Kiki next month(maybe), I'll start travelling by bike. But I'll have to wait and see how things happen, because as usual, the plan is that there's no plan.


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