Monday, 21 September 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I switched off my analytical mind while watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and enjoyed every moment of it.
The movie became a total sensory experience, the charming locations, the hauntingly beautiful melody of the Spanish guitars, the magnetic calmness of Juan Antonio, the longing expression on Vicky's face, the fiery chaotic Marie Elena, the flirtatious & spontaneous Cristina...etc. There's even a tinge of existential humour to tickle my intrigue:

Cristina: [Looking at a sculpture of Jesus] Are you very religious?
Juan Antonio: No, no, no, no, I'm not. The trick is to enjoy life, accepting it has no meaning whatsoever.
Cristina: No meaning? You don't think that authentic love gives life meaning?
Juan Antonio: Yes, but love is so transient. Isn't it? I was in love with a most incredible woman... and then in the end...
Vicky: Yes?
Juan Antonio: She put a knife into me.
Cristina: My God, that's terrible!
Vicky: Well, maybe you did something to deserve it.

All in all, watching this movie was like savoring a scrumptious meal, all my taste buds were satisfied.

I can tell that without some of my life experiences in the past, I wouldn't have related to the subject and enjoyed it. What's more amusing, is that for the most part of my life, I have played the role of those "clueless guys" in the movie (eg. Doug and the guy Cristina's hosts tried to set her up with on the sail boat), who were fulled of ideas and/or righteousness in their heads, but completely missed out (or intentionally ignored) those subtle expressions, emotions and desires in people as painted so vividly in the movie.

Oh mighty god, I repent for my oblivious ways.


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